Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Motorcyclists are everywhere, but are you seeing them?

With warm temperatures comes an increase in motorcycle traffic, and it’s important to be aware of the other vehicles sharing the road with you. Motorcycles are smaller in size, which makes them easier to miss, which can result in a collision. Motorcyclists don’t have the same kind of protection as someone in a car or truck would, which means that they are almost always injured in crashes.
If you’re expecting to see motorcycles, then you’re more likely to notice them. Pay attention especially at intersections – since they are lighter than other vehicles they can stop in shorter distances. You should leave more room between yourself and a motorcycle to avoid rear-ending them. It’s also easy to misjudge the speed of an approaching motorcycle because of its size and because it is moving towards you, so be aware of that as well.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Are you making these car cleaning mistakes?

Using Dishwashing Soap.  If you’re constantly struggling with soap scum, take a closer look at the product you’re using!  Be done with Dawn and invest in soap meant for washing cars.
Using the Wrong Cloths. If it’s not microfiber, you’re doing it wrong.
Rolling Down Windows Before They’re Dry.  We’ve got two words for you: water spots.
Over-Washing Your Car.  Yes, there is such a thing.  If you care about preserving your paint job, don’t wash your vehicle obsessively.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Read this if You Need to Catch a 'Brake'

Amid the cacophony of a running car, it can be difficult to tell what sound is coming from where and whether it's a problem. However, the squealing sound from the brakes is very distinct. Here's what it could mean:

If you  hear squeaks once in a while when braking lightly, this is typical and is nothing to cause concern.

If you occasionally hear squeaks when braking for a long distance before coming to a stop, this is also considered normal. High relative humidity can also cause this noise.

However, if you frequently hear a high-pitched screeching when applying the brakes, your brake pads need to be replaced.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sing it in a Sienna!

The Toyota Sienna (a.k.a. #SwaggerWagon) has a lot going for it but the cherry on top is that the new Sienna has a speaker system which, ostensibly, allows parents to scold their children with ease. However we see so much more potential with this technology! 

1.       Use the loudspeaker to do karaoke - no longer will your rock star dreams leave you confined and singing in the shower.
2.       Pretend you are a commercial airline pilot. Over.
3.       Turn the vehicle into your own personal tour bus when family and friends are in town.
4.       Practice speaking a new language.
5.       Road rage in style – now your voice has more resonance. (Just kidding…don’t do that).