Friday, September 5, 2014

Get ready for Tumblr!

This is our last blogger entry! Next week we will be launching our new Tumblr page so be sure to look for us there. We will post our Tumblr page info to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ soon.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Motorcyclists are everywhere, but are you seeing them?

With warm temperatures comes an increase in motorcycle traffic, and it’s important to be aware of the other vehicles sharing the road with you. Motorcycles are smaller in size, which makes them easier to miss, which can result in a collision. Motorcyclists don’t have the same kind of protection as someone in a car or truck would, which means that they are almost always injured in crashes.
If you’re expecting to see motorcycles, then you’re more likely to notice them. Pay attention especially at intersections – since they are lighter than other vehicles they can stop in shorter distances. You should leave more room between yourself and a motorcycle to avoid rear-ending them. It’s also easy to misjudge the speed of an approaching motorcycle because of its size and because it is moving towards you, so be aware of that as well.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Are you making these car cleaning mistakes?

Using Dishwashing Soap.  If you’re constantly struggling with soap scum, take a closer look at the product you’re using!  Be done with Dawn and invest in soap meant for washing cars.
Using the Wrong Cloths. If it’s not microfiber, you’re doing it wrong.
Rolling Down Windows Before They’re Dry.  We’ve got two words for you: water spots.
Over-Washing Your Car.  Yes, there is such a thing.  If you care about preserving your paint job, don’t wash your vehicle obsessively.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Read this if You Need to Catch a 'Brake'

Amid the cacophony of a running car, it can be difficult to tell what sound is coming from where and whether it's a problem. However, the squealing sound from the brakes is very distinct. Here's what it could mean:

If you  hear squeaks once in a while when braking lightly, this is typical and is nothing to cause concern.

If you occasionally hear squeaks when braking for a long distance before coming to a stop, this is also considered normal. High relative humidity can also cause this noise.

However, if you frequently hear a high-pitched screeching when applying the brakes, your brake pads need to be replaced.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sing it in a Sienna!

The Toyota Sienna (a.k.a. #SwaggerWagon) has a lot going for it but the cherry on top is that the new Sienna has a speaker system which, ostensibly, allows parents to scold their children with ease. However we see so much more potential with this technology! 

1.       Use the loudspeaker to do karaoke - no longer will your rock star dreams leave you confined and singing in the shower.
2.       Pretend you are a commercial airline pilot. Over.
3.       Turn the vehicle into your own personal tour bus when family and friends are in town.
4.       Practice speaking a new language.
5.       Road rage in style – now your voice has more resonance. (Just kidding…don’t do that).

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Which Scent-sational Air Freshener is Right for You?

These days there are so many little pine trees in plastic sleeves when you walk into an auto store, it is seriously hard to pick one! Well here is the 411 on Car-Freshener scents and a surefire guide to pick the one that is best for you.

Royal Pine – If you have only seen one little green tree in your life, it was probably this one. It is the classic choice and that says something. It is sort of hard to find fault with this scent and its long history proves that it is a crowd favorite. It is pretty rich and basically smells like Christmas in July. 

New Car: This is always a good scent as it is a compelling mix of many things that are calming and subtle. That being said, it definitely does not smell like a new car. 

Black Ice: This is the overwhelming favorite of the bunch! Look on Amazon to see the top car freshener products – this will definitely be near the top of the list. It smells strong like a man’s cologne.

Leather – This should smell like leather…but it doesn’t. If you want something leathery smelling, New Car is a far better choice.

Blackberry Clove: If you like fruity scents, than this one is the one for you. It smells nice, but it is very strong.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Got Truck Envy?

Considering a second vehicle? Here are a few great reasons to own a truck:
Tailgating: Sports fans everywhere know that even if your team is getting creamed if you have a good tailgate party it can still be a good time.
Off-roading: Sure, sports cars are fun – but you can’t romp around in them. Puddles, dirt, gravel – it is all part of the fun when you drive a truck. And all the caked on mud? That is your badge of glory when you get home.
 Moving things: New furniture? Not a problem when you have a truck.
Outdoors activities: Nothing can buy happiness, but a truck can drive you to it – with all of your camping gear, bikes, and whatever else you need to have an awesome time.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Find Your Mood Music

It is pretty safe to say that how we feel affects our perception of the world. Fortunately, your car stereo is on your side! Listening to the right music is like getting a chiropractic adjustment for your mood. 

Sad: While you could wallow in your sadness, it makes much more sense to turn the frown upside down. While it might seem like really happy songs would be the ‘go-to’ for this situation, they might highlight the disparity between how you feel and how you really want to feel. Why not go straight for your favorites? No matter what the genre, play a song that you could listen to on repeat! This should definitely change your focus.

Happy: If you are already happy, amp it up to the next level with something super upbeat! Techno and pop songs have light lyrics and a good beat. Listen to these to make a bright mood even brighter!
Angry: Man, don’t you just hate it when the day doesn’t go your way? When you feel frustrated, annoyed, or angry you need to breathe deep and relax. Even if you HATE classical music, its complexity and lack of lyrics will require that you do some active listening. Switching your focus through concentrating on an intricately orchestrated song will help you to take a break from what is bugging you so you can later revisit the situation with a new perspective.

Sleepy: Sleepy is a great way to feel…except for when you are driving! Stay away from techno and classical music! These music genres are like kryptonite for the sleepy driver. Instead, keep an eye out for the nearest exit or rest area and in the meantime throw on some metal or heavy rock – loud and invigorating music is an absolute must have at this point!

Relaxed – Nothing is better than relaxing music on a relaxing ride! Throw on some oldies, smooth jazz, or R&B. Any of these will enhance your already magnificent driving experience.

Unexplainable/undefined: Not sure how you feel? Neither are most Indy rockers. That is your ticket to exploring your thoughts and emotions.

Have any other mood music suggestions? Feel free to leave them in a comment!